13.5 lb Fawcett Pearl Malt
12 oz Baird’s Light Carastan Malt
12 oz White Wheat Malt
Turn off heat at end of boil, add Flame Out Hops.
Allow to stand for 10-15 min before chilling
- 2 oz Simcoe
- 1 oz Columbus
- 0.5 oz Apollo
Once the wort has cooled to 180 degrees, stop chilling and add the following
hops. Allow to steep for an additional 10-15 min, then resume chilling.
- 1 oz Columbus
- 1 oz Simcoe
- 1 oz Amarillo
- 0.5 oz Centennial
- 0.5 oz Apollo
Dry hops
Split the dry hops in half, and add in two different stages.
hop with half in primary for 4 days, then transfer to secondary
and dry hop with the other half for another 4 days.
- 2 oz Simcoe
- 1 oz Columbus
- 1 oz Amarillo
- 1 oz Centennial
- 0.5 oz Apollo
10 mL Hopshot, 60 minutes at start of boil
1 lbs Brun Leger, 0 minutes at end of boil
WLP095 Burlington Ale Yeast
Original recipe from Northern Brewer
Heat 18.75 quarts to 212° F
Saccharifcation rest for 60 minutes at 151° F
Heat 9.84 quarts strike water to 212° F
Mash out for 10 minutes at 170° F
Heat 12.2 quarts of sparge water to 170° F
Sparge out.
Stats by iBrewmaster
Added on 10/21/2017